Once I had completed the cockpit of the model I began to manipulate the model further learning from the techniques used to create the windows. I followed my concepts closely at this stage of modeling to help me create the indentations within the model to give it that futuristic look. I also began to create the crane itself by extruding faces at the front of the model just below the cockpit. Again I used the split polygon and insert edge loop tools to create the geometry needed for this to work. As I progressed I began to realise how the geometry worked and how it affected other polygons around it. There was a lot of trail and error when modeling the crane and lift just below the cockpit. For some reason faces had disappeared and some points had not been merged which left holes in the geometry. However, using the knowledge I had gained through modeling the structure I fixed these problems because I was beginning to understand how the geometry was effected. By understanding Maya's interface as well as the tools I began to think ahead. That is to say that I thought of the best tools to use when making particular components in the model. I was careful not to overwork the model as this would leave the structure overcrowded and confusing. I was very pleased with the overall outcome, considering I had no tutoring within Maya's modeling system. The similarities between the concepts and the 3D model only enforce how far I have come from the start of the project to the final modeling stages.

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