Through building the Chop Shop exterior I gained an incite into the way geometry worked and how it affected other polygons around it. Obtaining this knowledge was hugely beneficial when it came to modeling the Interior. I wanted the interior to replicate the architecture of the exterior. I wanted the interior to be dark and industrial. The space would be much larger than a conventional Chop Shop. Because the structure was used on an industrial level it had to be huge containing cranes and docking bays for all the machinery and vehicles which would be broken down. Lighting would play a key role in the success of the space. I knew that my concepts would be hugely important when it came to lighting the scene. Whilst building the interior I thought about recesses in which lights could be set up highlighting the equipment within the core of this structure. I also thought about how this space would fit inside the exterior I had created. I started out by again, making a simple shape using an elongated cube. I used the split polygon tool and edge loop tools to create extra geometry so I could create the asymmetrical shape which would contain the vital machinery.

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