To create the machinery I referred to the concepts I created in photoshop. These drawings appear earlier on in the blog. These drawings made the construction of these structures a hell of a lot easier. I created the cranes by creating a cube and elongating it. I then inserted edge loops so could create the diagonal faces on top of the model. I used the extrude tool heavily here to create the supports which held the machinery to the walls. I deleted faces then merged the points to create indentations within the machinery. It is important to note that I only constructed one crane which I later duplicated several times. I used the extrude tool to construct the control room which would control the height of the crane if needed. Once I had completed the finishing touches I began to reposition various faces so I could insert spot lights which would improve the overall model. Once I had completed the model I then concentrated on lighting and rendering the scenes which I created in Maya.

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