Once I was happy with the basic shape of the interior I started to create extra subdivisions increasing the number of points within the model. I could then manipulate these points by moving them in the desired direction forming the ground plane as well as pillars on the sides of the walls. Using the edge loop tool I inserted some more geometry which I could extrude to create folds and recesses creating raised platforms and foundations for the machinery. I deleted the roof faces as this would enable me to see within side space as well as provide a good source of lighting when the time came. When creating the pillars on the right side of the interior I had problems when extruding. Holes began to appear on the outside of the fuselage which would cause problems when trying to light the scene. I think this happened when I extruded multiple faces in one direction. The problem was easily solved but took longer than expected. To rectify the problem I merged the points individually. This meant that I could light the scene effectively as well as extrude the faces if I needed to. The interior was beginning to take shape but looked bare and void of anything that would define it as a Chop Shop. Time to add some machinery.

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